Sabtu, 26 Desember 2020

Brexit LIVE: Sorry, Macron! UK to outstrip EU rivals as new report issues Brussels warning - Daily Express

Boris Johnson: Brexit deal is ‘glad tidings of great joy’

is already under fire domestically after the unveiling of the trade deal between the UK and the EU over perceptions that the agreement discriminates against French fisherman, despite the 's pledges to the contrary. The report, by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR), suggested the British economy will receive a huge boost from the incoming coronavirus vaccine, with savings made during the likely to be ploughed back into the economy.

As a result, output, jobs and household income are all likely to bounce back.

In terms of economic performance, the UK is already one of the better performers in Europe, regardless of Brexit, the CEBR report says.

By 2035, the economy is forecast to be 23 per cent larger than that France, its neighbour and economic rival.

Douglas McWilliams, deputy chairman of the CEBR, said: "People often forget that the UK’s largest economic sector is digital and creative.

READ MORE: We're watching, Boris! Trade deal sellout WON'T be tolerated

Emmanuel Macron Boris Johnson

Emmanuel Macron is already under pressure domestically (Image: GETTY)

"We have a huge competitive advantage in this tech-based sector which the pandemic has kicked forward.

"Most of this is pretty Brexit-proof provided the UK continues to attract talented people.

He added: "We think that when the vaccine rolls out, the world economy could bounce back quickly.

"My colleagues have calculated about £200billion of savings in the UK as a result of the pandemic that is waiting to be spent. There will be similar build-ups of savings elsewhere.

"We are more worried that a rapid bounce-back will lead to inflation, with shortages pushing up prices."


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Brexit fishing row: UK 'must defend its waters' as MEP turns on EU [INSIGHT]
Brexit warning: ANY Brexit deal will now put Boris at risk from ERG [UPDATE]

UK trade deals Brexit

UK trade deals lined up so far (Image: Express)

9.01am update: Deal will make UK safer, insists Patel

Home Secretary Priti Patel insisted the Brexit deal will help make the UK safer, despite police chiefs' concerns about lack of access to a key EU information database.

The deal allows the two sides to co-operate on security and policing issues, but Brussels said the UK will no longer have "direct, real-time access" to sensitive information.

UK officials insisted the deal would ensure law enforcement officers had the tools they needed, while new border controls and the end of free movement would help protect the public.

In the run-up to the UK's separation from the European Union, police chiefs have raised concerns about access to information and the loss of the European Arrest Warrant.

The Home Office said the agreement includes streamlined extradition arrangements, fast and effective exchange of national DNA, fingerprint and vehicle registration data and continued transfers of Passenger Name Record data.

Ms Patel said: "The safety and security of UK citizens is the Government's top priority and the UK will continue to be one of the safest countries in the world."

8.41am update: Commission publishes full text of deal

The European Commission has published the full text of the deal which members of the EU27 will be asked to approve.

The 1,256 page document is recommended for approval - but members of the European Parliament will not have time to scrutinise it before the end of the year.

8.28am update:

Britons have agreed with Andrew Neil's dire warning to the European Union that the bloc could become a "backwater" in as little as 15 years.

Today, the former BBC journalist said the EU could slip from prominence and be replaced by a booming Asian economy.

Mr Neil made the comments following a tweet from Jim Pickard, chief political reporter at the Financial Times.

Mr Pickard said: "I suspect the heat may go out of the EU debate in the short and medium term but not in 15 or 20 or 30 years when today’s young adults are running the country."

In response to this, Mr Neil replied: "There’s a real danger that the EU will be an economic and technological backwater in 15 years time and today’s young Brits will be doing flourishing business in Hanoi and Djakarta." readers largely agreed, with one saying: "Andrew Neil is absolutely correct.

“His estimate of 15 years is in my view more likely an overestimate."

8.15am update: 

Daniel Hannan has warned three countries will soon follow Britain out of the EU in an exclusive interview with

It comes after the UK and the EU finally agreed a post-Brexit trade deal yesterday after months of wrangling.

As Brexiteers have already started revelling in this historic moment, former Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan told that there will be at least three more countries that will follow Britain out of the EU in the foreseeable future.

Mr Hannan, who was recently nominated by Prime Minister Boris Johnson to the House of Lords, said: “The question is not if Britain will rejoin the EU.

8.05am update: Boris Johnson admits: "The devil is in the detail"

Boris Johnson has begun the task of trying to persuade Eurosceptic Tories to back his Brexit trade agreement, insisting it is the "right deal" for the country.

The Prime Minister acknowledged "the devil is in the detail" but insisted it would stand up to inspection from the European Research Group (ERG) of Brexiteers, who have reconvened their Star Chamber panel of lawyers to examine the 1,246-page text.

His message to Tory MPs came as the EU's 27 member states indicated they will formally back the deal agreed by the UK with Brussels' officials within days.

EU ambassadors were briefed on the contents of the deal by Michel Barnier, who led Brussels' negotiating team in the talks with the UK.

Boris Johnson

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has touted the deal in a new video (Image: Number 10)

7.55am update:

Yanis Varoutakis has given a dire Brexit warning and claimed the "real negotiating" will begin in June.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson landed a historic Brexit trade deal with the European Union just days before the end of the transition period on December 31.

But economic professor Yanis Varoufakis has issued a dire Brexit warning.

The former Greek Minister of Finance tweeted: "So, we have a thin EU-UK trade deal.

"Better than nothing. But the real negotiations will begin after June when no on is paying attention."


The "anticompetitive" principles which underpin the European Union - eventually triggering Brexit - have their roots in a little-known blueprint developed by Germany in the midst of World War 2, an economist has revealed.

Professor David Blake was speaking at a time when prospects for a post-Brexit trade deal between the UK and the EU were hanging in the balance, with one of the key sticking points being the bloc's insistence on Britain adhering to rules and regulation aimed at protecting its single market after the end of the year.

And the academic, who is Professor of Economics at Cass Business School, said Brussels' tendency towards protectionism dated back almost 80 years - many years before the birth of the inception of the European Steel and Coal Community in 1952, or the Treaty of Rome which created the European Economic Community (EEC) and the common market.

Specifically, he highlighted a conference held in 1942 at the Berlin School of Economics – part of the University of Berlin – during which the phrase European Economic Community was mentioned, apparently for the first time.

7.42am update: UK set to outpace France, says report

Emmanuel Macron has been dealt another blow by the publication of a new report suggesting the UK's economy will outstrip that of France after it breaks free from the European Union.

Mr Macron is already under fire domestically after the unveiling of the trade deal between the UK and the EU over perceptions that the agreement discriminates against French fisherman, despite the French President's pledges to the contrary.

The report, by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR), suggested the British economy will receive a huge boost from the incoming coronavirus vaccine, with savings made during the pandemic likely to be ploughed back into the economy.

As a result, output, jobs and household income are all likely to bounce back.

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2020-12-26 07:41:00Z

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