Senin, 28 Juni 2021

Mixing vaccines creates strong immune response to Covid-19, study finds - The Times

Mixing and matching different vaccines still results in a strong and potent immune response against coronavirus, a study has found.

Using a combination of the Oxford-AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines produced a “highly effective” boost to antibodies and T-cells, scientists showed.

Whichever order they were taken in, the antibody bump exceeded the response from using just the Oxford vaccine alone, though not from two Pfizer jabs. Intriguingly, mixing vaccines produced a marginally stronger T-cell response than using two shots of either vaccine on their own. This provided a hint that combining vaccines could induce broader protection in this secondary line of immunity.

The research, involving more than 800 people, is important because it provides options for policymakers to add resilience to vaccination programmes here and abroad.

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2021-06-28 16:00:00Z

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